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In-School Education program


What is ReACTION?

Our signature program, ReACTION is a year-long education program delivered in schools that are disproportionately affected by gun violence. Since 2001, we have guided students throughout New York City in our year-long curriculum, emphasizing personal and group development, misconceptions about guns and gun violence, policy and programmatic solutions to reducing gun violence, and advocacy skills. The program culminates with a group trip to Albany or Washington, in which students bring their concerns directly to lawmakers. Over time, participants learn how to overcome their sense of helplessness in the face of gun violence, how to access community resources, and how to take leadership roles in addressing gun violence as spokespeople and advocates. 

The program – the only one of its kind in New York – has seen tremendous growth in recent years, thanks to a unique Train-the-Facilitator program we have conducted in partnership with New York City’s Office to Prevent Gun Violence. ReACTION was taught at four schools in 2017; as of March 2021, we will reach 18 schools and after-school programs with our curriculum.

Our program evaluations show both the need for the ReACTION program and its efficacy in shifting students’ attitudes about guns, gun violence, and civic engagement. A survey during the 2019-20 school year showed that three-quarters of ReACTION students had heard gunshots in their neighborhood; two-thirds knew someone personally who had been shot; and 44% knew where and how to get a gun if they wanted one. The number of students who felt that a gun makes a person safer dropped by 31% over the course of the program, and the number who felt a gun makes a person more powerful dropped by 27%. The number of students who felt empowered to reduce gun violence rose by 24% over the course of the program, and there was an increase in 33% for students who felt prepared to discuss the issue with elected officials.

Train-the-Facilitator Program

In partnership with the New York City Office to Prevent Gun Violence and community-based violence intervention groups, NYAGV Ed Fund has trained 17 new facilitators to teach our ReACTION curriculum. These “credible messengers” are uniquely qualified to connect with students who see gun violence daily in their communities. We partner with community groups associated with the NYC Crisis Management System, including Bronx Connect, B.R.A.G. (Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence), Elite Learners, Life Camp and Save Our Streets Bronx. 

The NYC Crisis Management System is a network of organizations that deploys credible messengers who mediate conflicts in disproportionately impacted Black and Brown communities and connect high-risk individuals to services that can reduce long-term risk of violence. Data from 2010-2019 shows that CMS has contributed to an average of 40% reduction in shootings across program areas. 


Who We Serve

Our Schools (as of Spring 2021)


By the numbers

Number of schools where ReACTION is taught as of the end of the 2020-21 school year - up from 4 in 2017
Percentage of ReACTION students who know someone who has been shot
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Percentage of ReACTION students who, after completing the program, agreed that a gun does not make you safer - up from 53% at the beginning of the program
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Percentage of ReACTION students who, after completing the program, said they had the knowledge necessary to reduce gun violence in their community - up from 23% at the start of the program
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